New Emerging Municipalism and Democratic Deepening: The Paradigmatic Case of Decidim Ripollet (2015-2019)

Miriam Ureta URGOCIS open seminar

Seminari Urgocis (IGOP)
19/06/2019 – 13h
Edifici MRA, 1a planta.
Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra

Miriam Ureta

I am currently developing my PhD project at the Department of Political Science and Public Management of the University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV) under the title: “Deepening Democracy and New Emerging Municipalism in the Basque Country and Catalonia: the Paradigmatic Cases of Decidim Ripollet (We Decide in Ripollet) and La Voz del Pueblo (People’s Voice) from a comparative perspective (2003-2021)”. This study is being financed by the Basque Government and its supervisors are Igor Ahedo (EHU/UPV) and Joan Subirats (IGOP/UAB).

I have been visiting the IGOP Centre for around nine months working in this research with Ricard Gomá and focusing on research lines such as: new emerging municipalism, irruptive political actors –particularly the theorization of party-movements-; processes of democratic deepening and innovative public policies.