Títol: To green or not to green: Depoliticizing and (re)politicizing urban sustainability planning?
Ponent: Isabelle Anguelovski is a social scientist trained in urban studies and planning (PhD MIT, 2011), non-profit management (Harvard University, 2004), international development (Université de Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne, 2001), and political studies (Science Po, 2000). Her research is situated at the intersection of urban planning and policy, social inequality, and development studies. Her recent projects examine the extent to which urban plans and policy decisions contribute to more just, resilient, healthy, and sustainable cities, and how community groups in distressed neighborhoods contest the existence, creation, or exacerbation of environmental inequities as a result of urban (re)development. Isabelle is currently a Senior Researcher and Principal Investigator at the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) where she coordinates the research line Cities and Environmental Justice and co-directs the Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability, a research laboratory carrying comparative and interdisciplinary research, developing new teaching methods and courses, and promoting learning on justice and inclusion for planning sustainable, green, and healthy cities. She is also affiliated with IMIM, the Hospital del Mar Research Institute in Barcelona. Since June 2016, Isabelle is coordinating the ERC funded project GREENLULUS (2016-2021), which examines the social and racial impact of urban greening in 20 cities in Europe and 20 in the United States.
Lloc: Sala Àngels Torrents, Centre dEstudis Demogràfics (CED) de la UAB
Data: 1 de març a les 12h
Organitzen: CED i IGOP.