Vasilis Kostakis participarà el proper 27 d’octubre al cicle de seminaris URGOCIS en una sessió organitzada conjuntament amb l’Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA). Ho farà amb la ponència “A Political Ecology of the P2P Economy: Capitalism, Commons and Scenarios of Transition”. El seminari tindrà lloc a l’edifici de l’IGOP en el Campus UAB. No es requereix inscripció prèvia. Per més informació:
Vasilis Kostakis
Senior Research Fellow at the Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance.
This presentation will discuss the political ecology of two different value models which are currently competing for dominance in the P2P/collaborative economy: the neo-feudal cognitive capitalism (NFCC) and the hypothetical case of mature peer production (HMPP). It will be argued that the two value models may share the same type of direct environmental effects associated with a similar technological infrastructure; however, their indirect effects differ in prospects of consumer behaviour, environmental awareness and product design. Likewise the difference in structural effects is significant as the NFCC is based on profit maximisation and an accumulation of capital, whereas the HMPP is oriented towards the commons. Hence, the latter is considered as the socio-environmentally auspicious choice, but comes not without transitional challenges of its own.
27 d’octubre
13h Campus UAB
Sense inscripció prèvia
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Darrera actualització: octubre 2016